Beginning with the End in Mind
Wow! I must have done something pretty awesome in a previous life to land this sweet gig.
I already feel so fortunate to be one of the lucky buggers who get to live in this building when it’s done, and what’s even better is that I get to help plan it. Say what!?
As champion of the working group for the Mosaic Centre, I help represent the thoughts and opinions of the staff from Oil Country Engineering, EcoAmmo and NotBox, the first three tenants of the space. It’s a big job trying to make everyone happy, but I’m more than ready for the challenge.
Let me tell you, it’s been a whirlwind journey so far! It started off with an introduction from Christy and Dennis to the many possibilities of what the space could be, which I think got everyone packing to move that same afternoon.
From there, Shafraaz and his team had our office participate in a few group exercises, like mind-mapping and wish-listing, to really suss out the nuggets of what our staff wanted. Once he gathered what he needed from the group, the real design work could begin; that’s about the time the working group was born. The architects needed a voice from us—the future tenants of the building—and we were happy to oblige.
A group of seven distinctly unique individuals from our office came together to form our working group. Somehow, I was nominated to champion the group. We meet on a weekly basis to ensure we’re providing the design team at Manasc Isaac with the right information, anything from data drops to flooring choices. We’re a mixed bag of peeps with our own ideas and opinions, but the one thing that unifies us is that we all want what is best for the building and the people who’ll be in it from 9-5 Monday to Friday.
We’ve been tasked with gathering the many varying opinions the staff has about what our new home will look like and what will go in it. We’ve agreed, as a team, to have all of our meeting minutes and any other resources available to the staff at all times. It fits our culture so nicely, allowing us to be completely transparent with our decisions and the decision-making process. We even have a purpose statement for our working group to ensure that we’re focused on the same goal and that we’re beginning with the end in mind:
The purpose of this working group is to help facilitate the creation of a bright, comfortable, and environmentally sustainable space that promotes a healthy collaborative work environment which resonates with the unique ethos of its occupants, and helps enable people to work a better way by design. We’ll “awesomize” it.