Costing Crisis
Estimating construction costs very early in the project is something of a hedge-your-bets game. At the schematic design phase, there is just enough information to show the design intent, but you can never fully reveal or outline the nuances of detail or quality you’re after. Chandos did what they could with the sketch-up model and plans we had and came back with a number that initially appeared reasonable. Once we started to comb through, there were several things that seemed goofy. I could not believe the glulam wood structure would be more expensive than steel. It took a separate meeting directly with the glulam supplier, our structural engineer and Chandos to figure out we were looking at the wrong amount of building area; hence the overestimated cost. There are other items that will be quite interesting to resolve over time. Dennis also had a suggestion for a cost-saving option for the level of finish on the concrete floors. It may turn out that it is placed as best as possible, and left unpolished, sort of like our own office space. That could save $100,000. Or perhaps concrete polishing will be another company that is under the Mosaic banner. We will see!
Website: Fast & Epp